Preserving The Natural World

I have a big passion for preserving the natural world, and one of my core values is to help make the world a better place.

I believe if I’m going to help people become fitter and healthier, then it’s important for these people to have a healthy natural world around them to enjoy their improved health and fitness in.

Here are my current sustainability practices:

-Each year I donate to have trees planted for my clients at Christmas time to help offset the already low carbon footprint of my training activities with them.

Here are the certificates for 2024’s trees:

Reducing Travel Emissions and Making Responsible Choices

-Since moving my services to Virtual Fitness Coaching, my fitness clients no longer have to travel to see me which means less travel emissions are being produced by people using my fitness training services.

-Whenever making business purchases I research the sustainability policies of the companies I buy from and strive to ensure as much as I can that I’m making the best possible choice for the environment.

- I support charities which support the environment, tree planting and conservation of endangered species.

Supporting Shark Conservation

Shark Trust Membership:

I’ve loved and been fascinated by sharks since I was 8 years old and I’m proud to say that Shreeve Health and Fitness is a Shark Trust Business Member:

Much of the air we breathe on land comes from the sea. Sharks are crucial components of this ecosystem and their numbers have been decimated by overfishing and the very cruel and brutal practice of shark finning. This is where the fins are cut off the shark while it is still alive and its body discarded to drown slowly. It’s what Gordon Ramsey described as “without doubt the worst act of animal cruelty I’ve ever seen”.

Misunderstood and vital parts of our world, which have been on our planet since before the time of the dinosaurs, humanity has reduced these vital and elegant creatures to just a small fraction of what they once were.

If you would like to learn more about why shark conservation is important, I recommend watching the documentaries Gordon Ramsey’s Shark Bait, and Sharkwater. Links are below as well as links to UK Shark Conservation Charities:

Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait Full Episode
Sharkwater Documentary Official Website
The Shark Trust
Shark Guardian
Bite-Back Shark and Marine Conservation