A few things you need to know about HIIT……

I’ve been hearing a few misconceptions about HIIT recently, so I thought I would write an article to give you a well-rounded view of what HIIT is, it’s benefits and its drawbacks. A couple of the misconceptions I came across recently, was that HIIT can be done for hours at a time, multiple times per day and it can be done without any prior experience or fitness base.

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Dispelling Ab Training Myths….

If you want visible abs, for your own self esteem, to look good on the beach or just because you want a challenge, then I want you to be aware of the myths of ab training, and to understand what is realistic for you based on what you are willing to do. For most people, if you genuinely want visible abs and have been frustrated by poor results, the reality is that you probably need to be willing to unlearn some things that you have picked up over the years.

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